
Cherry Cheng's English lesson 001 A - 秧秧教英语之《欲望都市》篇001A

I am cooperating with Ms. Cherry Cheng who has some great videos for Chinese students of English. I'll be embedding her videos here and on YuYan.biz .


BECS # 25 - Skype

Key phrases and vocabulary:

Three-way call = 3-way call

to ping

video conference





VoIP = voice over IP

latency = delay


good enough

Example Conversation:

Mike: Hello! This is Mike!

Boyd: Mike! Hello! This is Boyd. How are you?

Mike: Good. Good. Where's Eric?

Boyd: Eric... Ah, I don't think he's on yet. Let me ping him on MSN (Messenger).

Mike: OK.

Eric: Hello-o-o-o-o. This is Eric-c-c-c-c.

Mike: Eric. Ah. We can barely hear you.

Eric: Hello-o-o-o-o? Yes, hi this is Eric.

Mike: Eric, this is Mike. Can you please speak closer to your microphone?

Eric: Speak closer to my microphone?

Mike: Yes, we can barely hear you. You sound very distant.

Boyd: Eric, you sound very tinny.

Eric: OK. I am now closer to the microphone. Can you hear me?

Boyd: Yes, but there is a little bit of a latency. A little bit of a delay. Over!

Mike: Well, it is good enough. OK guys. Let's start the meeting.

And audio:


BECS # 24 - securities - 语言点 biz - 商业英文第24课

Key vocabulary:






Example conversation:

A: Hi John. How's your portfolio doing?

B: Hi Fred. My portfolio of securities is doing well. My stocks are up 30%. Although my bonds aren't doing too well...

B: I see.

A: Fred, how about you?

B: Well, I have some debt. Personal debt. So I don't have a lot of money in securities.

A: Well, try your best to rectify that my friend!

B: Oh! I will!



BECS # 23 - McDonalds for breakfast - 语言点 biz - 商业英文第23课

Key phrases:

drive-through restaurant

drive-through lane

fast food

Example conversation:

A: Hello?

B: How can I help you?

A: Hi. Good morning. I'd like to get a number one (#1) meal with orange juice, please.

B: Anything else today?

A: No ma'am!

B: US$4.13. (Please drive to the) First window.

A: Thank you!



BECS # 22 - registering a complaint - 语言点 biz - 商业英文第22课

Key phrases:

Customer service

To register a complaint

Example conversation:

A. Hello? “Widgets Are Us”, how may I help you?

B. Hi. This is Mrs. Jones. I have a complaint. I need to register a complaint.

A. You need to register a complaint. OK, how can we help you? What seems to be the problem?

B. I have purchased a fan. When I got home, the fan did not work. I am angry.

A. Oh, don’t be angry. We’re here to help you. Customer service is our top priority. So, what is the specific problem with the fan?

B. I plugged the fan in and it did not work. I need a new fan … or I want my money back.

A. Understood. Can you bring the fan down to one of our stores?

B. Yes. What day? And where do I bring the fan?

A. You can bring it to any one of our outlet stores. Monday – Friday 9am – 7pm. When you come into the store ask for the Customer Service desk which is usually in the back.

B. So at the back of the store there is a Customer Service desk and they can help with my problem?

A. That’s correct. And please do remember to bring your receipt.

B. Yes. I will bring my receipt and the broken fan. And I will come to the store and go to the customer service desk which is usually in the back of the store.

A. That’s correct. We’re sorry to cause you this extra trouble and we hope you’ll continue to be a loyal customer of “Widgets Are Us”.

B. Yes, I am very disappointed but I will bring the fan and hopefully you will fix the fan or give me my money back.

A. Yes, we will solve your problem.

B. Thank you.

A. Talk soon. Bye.

B. Bye.



BECS # 21 - 语言点 biz - checking into a hotel

Key phrases:

To check into a hotel

Surname = family name

Given name

Here you are


Example conversation:

A. Hello, may I help you?

B. Yes, I’m checking in.

A. Alright. And…what’s your name?

B. My name is Hu Jintao.

A: Uh, I’m sorry?

B. Oh, it’s a Chinese name. Hu Jintao.

A. OK, let me see… in the computer … I’m sorry; I don’t see any “Jintao.”

B. Oh, no, no, no. You’re … The family name, the surname is Hu. H-U.

A. Oh?

B. Yes, Hu Jintao. You see, in Chinese, we put the family name or surname in front and the individual’s given name at the.. at the end. So, it’s Hu Jintao. Or, in English, you could say “Jintao Hu.”

A. Oh, OK Mr. Hu. Yes, we have your reservation right here. You’ll be staying with us for … two nights and three days. Is that correct?

B. Yes, that’s correct.

A. May I see your passport please?

B. Here you are.

A. Thank you. OK Mr. Hu. I am going to put you in a room with two twin beds and uh, it’s a smoking room.

B. A smoking room?

A. Yes, a smoking room.

B. No no no! I don’t smoke!

A. You don’t smoke?

B. No.

A. Oh, OK. Non-smoking room….. We have a non-smoking room with a king-sized bed. Would that be acceptable?

B. Very much so. Thank you!

A. Certainly. And last but not least, I need your credit card. I need to take an imprint of it for any bills … ah … any expenses that are not already prepaid.

B. Alright. Here you are.

A. Thank you Mr. Hu. Here’s your room key. Please enjoy your stay.

B. I will! Thank you!


BECS # 20 - rain check - 语言点 biz

Key Phrases:

rain check = 雨票

to let your hair down = "把头发放下去" ; 放松 ; 玩一下

Example Conversation:

Joan: John, congratulations on closing the Smith account.

John: Thank you very much. But now the hard work really begins.

Joan: That's true John. But, why don't you let down your hair and come enjoy some beer with us tonight? Let's celebrate.

John: Hmmm, Joan. That's a great idea. But I really have to get busy. Tonight, I need to speak with the office in Shanghai; they'll start work while we are sleeping here in the United States. As such, can I have a rain check?

Joan: A rain check?

John: Yes, a rain check. I'd like to go out for beers with you guys next time if that's OK.

Joan: That's fine.

BECS # 20 - Rain Check / To Let Your Hair Down



BECS # 19 - 语言点 biz - to put all your eggs in one basket

Key Phrases:

to put all your eggs in one basket = 孤注一掷 /把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里 / 把所有的宝押在柜台上

It is all or nothing! = 全赢或者全输

Example conversation:

A. Hi. How are you?

B. Very good. And you?

A. Great.

B. Say, did you hear about Mr. Chen?

A. Mr. Chen? The successful Internet entrepreneur?

B. Yes.

A. Didn't he sell his first company?

B. Yes he did. It was very successful.

A. Wow! That's great.

B. But now, he is putting all his money and all his resources into his new company.

A. What's wrong with that?

B. Well, nothing. But he is literally putting all his eggs in one basket.

A. All his eggs in one basket?

B. Yes. Only one product. Focusing on one customer. And one contract. It's all or nothing!

A. Wow! He really shouldn't put all his eggs into one basket!



BECS # 18 - 语言点 biz - call it even

I am allowing for edits and enhancements to the class notes over at a wiki site. Please feel free to edit there and I'll import the changes over here.


Key phrases:

to call it even = 扯平了, 两不相欠, 互不相欠, 两清

To chew on it = 想一想, "慢慢地嚼食物", 仔细地考虑

Example conversation:

A. Thank you for completing the Web design.

B. My pleasure. Do you like it?

A I certainly do!

B. Well, that'll be US$500.

A. US$500? But you still owe us US$480 for the Web hosting for your other sites.

B. Oh. I forgot about that.

A. And you're overdue 60 days.

B. I see.

A. Look, why don't we just call it even?

B. Call it even?

A. Yeah, you don't owe me, and we don't owe you.

B. Hmmm... OK. That sounds fair.

A. Are you sure?

B. Not really.

A. Well, take your time and chew on it.



BECS # 17 - 语言点 biz - to pull an all-nighter / to burn the midnight oil

Key Phrases:

to pull an all-nighter = 晚上不睡觉加班/读书

to burn the midnight oil = 晚上不睡觉加班/读书 - 不一定是100%不睡觉的 -- 大概是凌晨才睡

Example conversation:

JOHN: Fred, are you ready for tomorrow?
FRED: John, no. We had some major changes at the last minute. Therefore, I am going to have to pull an all-nighter.

JOHN: You're going to have to pull an all-nighter?
FRED: Yes. I am going to have to burn the midnight oil.



BECS # 16 - 语言点 biz - to pull out all the stops

Key Phrase:

to pull out all the stops = 拼命地作事情

Example Conversation:

BOSS: John, you're not working hard enough. I want you to pull out all the stops.

JOHN: But Mr. Smith I am trying my hardest. I am already pulling out all the stops!

BOSS: Are you? Are you working overtime? No. Are you working on the weekends? No. Are you hiring temporary staff? No. OK then! So you are NOT pulling out all the stops! GET BUSY!

JOHN: Yes sir!



BECS # 15 - 语言点 biz - under new management

Key Phrases:

under new management = 在新的经营之下

to make a sales call = 为了业务约会见面

to call on someone = 与某人/单位见面或沟通

Example Conversation:

Boyd: Well, what's our next stop?

Cindy: Our next stop is Wheeler's Market. We need to make a sales call.

Boyd: Oh! Look! It says "under new management."

Cindy: Under new management? What does that mean?

Boyd: Well, I think it means that Mr. Wheeler sold his business to a .... let me look ... a "Mr. Patel."

Cindy So, Mr. Patel is the new manager. That's what "under new management" means.

Boyd: That's right. Do you think he'll buy our product?

Cindy: I think so. Let's call on the new manager.

Boyd: OK!



BECS # 14 - 语言点 biz - hand in the till

Key Phrase:

to have your hand in the till = 盗用(挪用)公款

Thanks to Erick for the translation of the key phrase!

Example conversation:

A: Gosh! Did you know (that) Fred in Minneapolis was caught with his hand in the till?

B: Really? How much money did he get?

A: I think he stole over US$1,000,000 over 20 years.

B: Wow! He sure knows how to keep his hand in the till!



BECS # 13 - 语言点 biz - to break the ice

Key Phrase:

to break the ice

Example conversation:

A: John, when we go into this meeting, I want you to tell some of your good jokes to break the ice.

John: OK... Are you sure that wouldn't be ... ah ... inappropriate?

A. No... We really need to break the ice to make this sale.



Tudou too

It appears that the Internet censors in China have once again blocked all Blogger / Blogspot blogs. As such, I have uploaded the video files to China's own Tudou (the Youtube of China?) for my Chinese viewers.


BECS # 12 - 语言点 biz - taking a taxi

to take a taxi = 搭计程车 ; 搭的士

taxi = 计程车 ; 的士

taxi driver = 的士师傅; 计程车司机

Step on it! = 快点到达! 加油!

Example conversation:

Taxi driver: Where to?

You: 100 Third Avenue, please! And step on it! And if you get there in 20 minutes, I'll give you a US$20 tip!



BECS # 11 - 语言点 biz - budget

budget = 预算

Example conversation:

Boss: Cindy, Boyd, I am going to need those numbers for the budget by Wednesday!

Cindy, Boyd: OK boss.

Boyd: Budget numbers? I thought you were working on those figures?

Cindy: What? No. I did them last year. It is your turn to work on the budgetary numbers.

Boyd: Oh. Yeah. I forgot.

And audio:


BECS # 10 - 语言点 biz - Inventory

Inventory = 存货 ; 库存

Example conversation:

Cindy: How is the inventory coming along?

Boyd: Well, I have to count everything up carefully for the inventory. It takes time to be thorough.

Cindy: Well, move it along. You need to finish the inventory by next week.

And audio:


BECS # 9 - 语言点 biz - productivity

Productivity = 生產力

Example conversation:

Cindy: Hello Boyd. How are you?

Boyd: Great. And you?

Cindy: Good. I am excited about the proposed training program. How about you?

Boyd: Well, I am concerned about the lost productivity if we all go on training for a day. I don't think we can afford that.

Cindy: Point well taken. However, we have to take the time to train now to be more productive in the future.

Audio as well:


BECS # 8 - 语言点 biz - multitask

Key term:

Multitask = 多任务; 多重工作; 多工

Example conversation:

Boss: How is your workload these days?

You: Well, I am a bit overloaded. I am constantly having to multitask. Answering phones, replying to e-mails, attending meetings. I'd say I am too busy for any new work.

And the audio:


China troubles with the podcast

It appears that the Chinese censors are blocking this Web site and I have been very sick. If I can get these problems solved, I will start the podcast again.


BECS # 7 - 语言点 biz - checking in for a flight


Example conversation:

Mr. Chen: Hello. I'd like to check in for flight number 12 to New York.

B. Very well. May I see your passport and ticket please?

Mr. Chen:
Yes, here you are. Here are my passport and a print out of my e-ticket.

B. Very good Mr. Chen. Would you prefer an aisle or window seat?

Mr. Chen: I would prefer an aisle seat.


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如果您有问题收听我的播客,其中一个好办法是利用苹果电脑 iTunes 软件来自动地下载. Search within the iTunes directory for "Business English" -- this podcast is already in the directory.


BECS # 6 - 语言点 biz - compensation

How to discuss compensation in English. 怎么面试时讨论酬劳问题.

Example conversation:

A. Well, Ms. Wang, do you have any more questions?

B. In fact, I do. Could you give me some indication of the compensation package?

A. Ah. Yes. Of course. Are you referring to salary, stock options, retirement schemes or other?

B. Well, I would actually like to learn about all of your policies as related to these compensation issues.


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BECS # 5 - 语言点 biz - weekend

星期五来的时候,西方人在公司都会问彼此 "周末有什么计划?" 听今天的播客了解怎么回答.

Example conversation:

A. What are your plans for the weekend? / What'll you be doing this weekend?

B. I'll be watching the game. / I'll be hiking. / We'll go shopping. / I'm not sure. / How about you? And you? What about you?

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BECS # 4 - 语言点 biz - glass ceiling

Lesson # 4 (第四堂课):

glass ceiling = 玻璃天花板 = 女性升迁的障碍

Example conversation:

American businesswoman:

Do you feel there is a glass ceiling in China?

Chinese businesswoman:

Yes, there is. Let me tell you about it.


No, there isn't. Because, in my experience...

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BECS # 3 语言点 biz - traction

Lesson # 3 (第三堂课):

traction = 牵引力

"to gain traction"

Example conversation:

A: How are things recently?

B. Excellent. We've hit quite a few milestones. We've had some R&D breakthroughs recently. Sales are up and costs are down. Overall, you could say our firm has gained a lot of traction.

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BECS # 2 - 语言点 biz - dog food

Lesson # 2 (第二堂课):

"吃自己产生的狗食" = "Eating our own dog food"

Example conversation:

Chinese person: Hello! Would you like to learn more about our product?

Foreign buyer: Well, for one thing, do you eat your own dog food?

Chinese person: Of course! In terms of our product, we definitely eat our own dog food. Let me tell you more about our internal success with our product.

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